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Use the appropriate passive forms of the verbs to complete the sentences1. The patient (threat) well by the experienced doctor. His health getting much better.2. Sometimes children (involve) in adults quarrels which is not good at all.3. I'm sure he (speak) about very soon.4. At the meeting everyone understood that the prices (increase) and were not going to become lower.5. Jason's article (discuss) by the journalist's when the chief editor called.6. Helen was afraid her plan (reject) by her opponents when they see it.7. I (ask) a lot of odd questions at the8. Wallets (often steal) in crowded places.9. You (inform) about the results of yours tests in a fortnight.

1. is treated
2. are involved
3. is spoken
4. were increased
5. was discussed
6. was rejected
7. was asked
8. are often stolen
9. will be informed
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