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TASK 1. Choose the right variant1 Would you like to stay for dinner? We’re having ..........chicken.roastscrambled2 I always welcome the chance to have a nice _____ meal whenever I visit my grandmahome-cookedovercooked3 Betty made a wonderful ..........sauce for the pastaspicyrare4 I usually have one or two ........... eggs for breakfastfriedgrilled5 I’m trying to lose some weight, so I avoid eating .........junk foodhealthy foodTASK 2 Complete the sentences with the right words: packed lunch, food traditions, rare, fussy eaters, vegetarian.1 I’m a ...2 Kim always takes a ... to work, as she doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.3 Some young children don’t like many types of food. They’re ...4 Pizza is one of the ... in Italy.5 Tim likes his steak ... , so don’t cook it for more than ten minutes.TASK 3. 3 Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits each space ( Заполните пробелы,используя слово, данное заглавными буквами. Образуйте новое слово при помощи приставок и суффиксов)Fast food is ... , so I try not to eat it (HEALTHY)Grandpa is good at making ... fish (GRILL)I don’t like ... vegetables, I prefer them pickled (STEAM)There is a lot of ... food in the fridge (FREEZE)... , she eats vegetables and fruit. Her diet is really poor (BASE)TASK 4. Put the lines in the correct order to make a dialogue (Поместите строки в правильном порядке, чтобы получить диалог. В пробелах укажите номер строки)No, it was only £ 45 At Diana’s. That’s a bargain. I think I’ll go and have a look myself. Yes, I bought it last week. I’m glad you like it. Was it expensive? It really suits you. Where did you get it?What a nice necklace. Is it new?TASK 5. Phrasal verb “to go”. Fill in: without, with, up, through, off, down with, after (Фразовый глагол to go. Заполните пробелы предлогами without, with, up, through, off, down with, after)1.The dog went ... the kitten2 Does this pink shirt go ... my blue trousers?3 The cheese smells funny. It's probably gone ...4 Jane went ... the flu yesterday so she didn't go to school5 Laura is unhappy. She is going ... a very difficult time6 Camels can go ... water longer than any other animal7 The price of petrol has gone ... again.


1. roast


3. spicy

4. fried

5. junk food

1. vegetarian

2.packed lunch

3. fussy eaters

4. food traditions


1.not healthy


3.steamed (не уверен в этом)

4. frozen


1. What a nice necklace. Is it new?

2. Yes, i bought it last week.

3.It really suits you, where did you get it?

4. At Diana's

5. No it was only 45

6. That's a bargain.

1. down with

2. with

3. off

4. after

5. through

6. without

7. up

а еще не сделал дз а помогаю другим, дай-ка мне баллов, а то я делал это 30 минут.

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