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Английский язык

Ex. 2 Make the sentences interrogative as in example. Сделайте предложения вопросительными как в примере:Model: 0. There is a picture on the wall. – Is there a picture on the wall?There are two chairs in the room. – Are there two chairs in the room?1 There are two window in the living room.2 There is a bed in my bedroom.3 There are three bedrooms in his house.4 There are many pictures on the walls of our living room.5 There is a big fridge in the kitchen.


1.are there two window in the living room?

2.is there a bed in my bedroom?

3.are there three bedrooms in the house?

4.are there many pictures on the walls of our living room?

5.is there a big fridge in the kitchen?

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