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посчитайте )Exercise 10. Use had or hadn't to complete the following:1. When her daughter arrived home from a party, Mrs Thompson asked her if she______________ (thank) her hostess. “No,” she said. “The girl in front of me thanked her andthe lady said ‘Don't mention it’ so I didn't.”2. “Here's your coffee, madam. It's a special coffee all the way from Brazil.” – “Oh, I waswondering where you ________________(go).”3. A stressed managing director went to his doctor for help in getting to sleep. The workers at hisfactory ____________ (go) on strike. They wanted better pay and conditions. The director____________ (try) sleeping pills but they ____________ (not work). The doctor asked thedirector to lie quite still in bed at night and to count sheep. The following day the directorreturned to the doctor's surgery. “Well,” said the doctor. “Any success?” – “I'm afraid not”, hesaid. “By the time I ____________ (count) the thirty-first sheep they ______________ (all go)on strike for shorter hours and lower fences.”4. Kenneth is so stupid. He phoned his teacher at school yesterday to say he couldn't come toschool because he _________________ (lose) his voice 5. A doctor _____________ (just give) a boy an injection in his arm. He was about to put abandage on his arm when the boy said, “Would you mind putting the bandage on my otherarm, doctor?” – “Why? I'm putting it over your vaccination so that the other boys will knownot to bang into it.” – “You don't know the boys in my school, doctor ”6. “Mum Mum Dad's fallen over a cliff.” – “Is he okay?” – “I don't know. He__________________ (not stop) falling when I left.”7. “A beggar stopped me the other day and said he ____________ (not have) a bite for days.”“What did you do?” – “I bit him ”8. It was my grandmother's birthday yesterday. “Is she old?” – “Well, by the time we lit the lastcandle on her birthday cake, the first one ___________ (go) out ”9. Harry Smith was sent to Central Africa by his company. He sent a postcard to his wife as soonas he arrived. Unfortunately it was delivered to another Mrs. Smith whose husband_________________ (die) the day before. The postcard read: “ARRIVED SAFELY THISMORNING. THE HEAT IS TERRIBLE.”

1. had thanked
2. had gone
3. had gone; had tried; hadn’t worked; had counted; all had gone
4. had lost
5. Had just given
6. Hadn’t stopped
7. Hadn’t had
8. Had gone
9. Had died
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