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Name1.Write about yourself. So do I/Neither do I.a) He has never cried. -b) I want to be an engineer. -c) I am 25. -d) I can speak French. -e) We were at home last night. -f) We haven't seen this film. -2. Change it into the reported speech.a) Father said to me: “Don't stay there long”.b) She said to me: “I can read your translation”.c) Mike said: “I have bought these books today”.d) Sam said: “Why did our team lose the game?”Самостоятельная работа. 6 класс. І вариант. посчитайте оо​


a) So do I.

b) So do I.

c) Neither do I.

d) Neither do I.

e) So do I.

f) Neither do I.

а) Don't stay there long - не оставайся там долго.

b) I can read your translation - я могу прочитать твой перевод.

c) I bought these books today - сегодня я купил эти книги.

d) Why did our team lose the game? - почему наша команды проиграла эту игру?

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