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Английский язык

Вставьте глагол в нужной форме.1. ... (go) he toLondon?2. I ... (give) Mario a pen.3. My mother ... (learn) meEnglish.II. Вставьтесоответствующеепритяжательноеместоимение: 1. The student Iwanow has a sister. It is ...sister.2. You have a lot of books. There are ...books.3. Mister und Ms. Bridge have a house. Thisis ... house.III. Задайте разные типы вопросов:1. Mary׳s son is a boy of four.2. Mary׳s parents did not live with her.3. They live in the country, near the Thames.IV. Поставьте глагол в 3 лице единственного числа.1. We read a lot of books.2. They go to the sea.3. I sing very nice.


1.1 Goes

1.2 gave

1.3 learns

2.1 mine

2.2 ours

2.3 their

3.1 is Mary׳s son a boy of flour

3.2 did Mary`s parents live with her

3.3 where they live?

4.1 reads

4.2 goes

4.3 sings

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