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Заповніть прогалини відповідним модальним дієсловом: mustn’t, have to, has to, doesn’t have to, can, can’t, should, may, needn’t.Використовуйте кожне модальне дієслово лише один раз.1) David is a journalist. He … interview a lot of people every week. 2) You … go diving on your own, it’s too dangerous. You … have a partner.3) … you get married when you are 16 years old in your country?4) Sue … get up early during the week because she doesn’t work in the morning. 5) You … leave now if you want. You … stay until 5 o’clock, it’s not necessary.6) Mick and John have just started work in the kitchen in a restaurant. They … wash the dishes and help prepare the food. They … serve the customers because they aren’t waiters.​

1) David is a journalist. He has to interview a lot of people every week.
2) You can’t go diving on your own, it's too dangerous. You should have a partner.
3) Can you get married when you are 16 years old in your country?
4) Sue doesn’t have to get up early during the week because she doesn't work in the morning.
5) You may leave now if you want. You needn’t stay until 5 o'clock, it's not necessary. 6) Mick and John have just started work in the kitchen in a restaurant. They have to wash the dishes and help prepare the food. They mustn’t serve the customers because they aren't waiters.
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