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посчитайте .Jane Morning, Terry. How was Billy Elliot?Terry It's the best musical I've ever seen.Jane Really? I've seen the film, but I can'timagine it as a musical. I mean, itexplores quite difficult topics.Terry That's true, but I think the songsactually help with that. The writingwas very clever. The only thingthat didn't really work was… well,sometimes the actors tried to befunny, and I don't think they alwaysmanaged itJane Oh well, you can't have everything.Did you at least see some amazingballet?Terry Of course The dancing was veryimpressive -especially the leadingactor's. I always think of ballet asslow and calm, but he was just soenergetic.2.Gina Hi, Charles. How was your evening?Charles I went to see Beauty and the Beast atthe theatre. Have you seen it?Gina No. I'd love to but… well, you knowhow it is…Charles Yeah, the tickets aren't cheap.Gina That's not it, I just never have time togo outCharles Oh… I think the theatre has a morningperformance too, if that's any help.GinaNot really work all day, Then,when I get home, I'm too tired to doanything but relax and watch TV.Charles I wish they filmed more musicals,GinaThen you could watch it on DVD athome.That would be great It's so silly thatthey don't do that more often.3.KenSo, what are we doing tonight?Claire A new Italian restaurant has justopened in the city centre. Let me findthe address online.But I'm not really hungry.KenClaire OK. How about a play? It's been along time since we last went to thetheatre.I'm not sure. Anything else?KenClaire Look, Full Blast are playing at LockleyKenStadium tonight. You love rockconcerts.I know, but a colleague of mine sawthem yesterday and she said theywere horrible.Claire Too bad.KenMaybe a play isn't a bad idea after all.Claire Great And we can book the ticketsonline.1. What did the man not like about the musical?a. Some of the jokes didn't work very well.b. The songs didn't really fit into the story.c. The leading actor didn't dance with much energy.2. Why is the woman annoyed?a. Theatre tickets are too expensive.b. Musicals aren't often available on film.c. Theatres don't organise enough performances.3. Where do the people decide to go?a. to a restaurantb. to the theatrec. to a concert


1. What did the man not like about the musical?

a. Some of the jokes didn't work very well.

2. Why is the woman annoyed?

b. Musicals aren't often available on film. вроде как..

3. Where do the people decide to go?

c. to a concert

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