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GrammarUnderline the correct item to complete the exchanges. (2/5)1 A Are you going/Do you go to the supermarket later?B: Yes Do you wantAre you wanting anything?2 A: Mum is in the kitchen. She is baking/ bakes cakes for my partyB: How many people comelare coming to the party?3 A: He always is missing/misses the bus in the morningB: That's because he's toolenough lazy to get up 4 A: The baby is crying/cries because she's hungryB: It's OK Dad is getting/gets her milk.5 A I hear Liam doesn't like/lsn't liking his jobB: No. He is looking/looks for a new one​


1.are you going, do you want

2.is baking, are coming

3.he is always missing, too

4. Is crying, is getting

5. Doesn't like, he is looking

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