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Диалог на английском диетолог та журналист ​


Nutritionist: Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Matthew: Good afternoon, doctor. I’d like to discuss some nutrition problems which I’ve been facing recently.

Nutritionist: What’s the problem?

Matthew: I come from another country, to be precise from the USA. The food I find in local supermarkets is a bit different from what I’m used to eat, so it gives me some health problems.

Nutritionist: I see. What did you use to eat back home?

Matthew: To be honest I ate lots of ready-to-cook-food, as I had a busy schedule.

Nutritionist: That’s not good. How did you feel?

Matthew: I was used to it. I often ate hamburgers, French fries, canned soup, cold sandwiches, pizza, doughnuts, etc. There were days, of course, when I cooked something healthier, such as baked potatoes, fish with rice, fresh salads.

Nutritionist: I see. What do you buy here?

Matthew: Again there is lots of ready-to-cook food at supermarkets. I buy burgers, pizza, cakes with various fillings, canned fruit, roast chicken.

Nutritionist: That’s not very healthy. You should buy fresh meat instead of the cooked one, fresh fruit, more herbs, freshly-baked bread and certain dairy products.

Matthew: Isn’t it called a balanced diet?

Nutritionist: Exactly. To keep your body and mind healthy you should include into your daily ration bread and milk products, lots of fresh vegetables, home-raised meat and eggs. What do you usually have for breakfast?

Matthew: A cup of coffee with a sandwich.

Nutritionist: I advise you to eat at least a small portion of oatmeal for breakfast as it’s healthy for you. It gives energy and positive vibes for the whole day. Drink a glass of orange juice and have one or two home-raised eggs — boil or fry them. What do you eat for lunch?

Matthew: I don’t have much free time during the afternoon so I simply buy a canned soup and again a sandwich or a hamburger at the roadside cafe.

Nutritionist: You should definitely change this habit of eating junk food. For lunch you should have a portion of fresh salad and a chicken or fish cutlet with rice. Drink a cup of black or green tea and have a piece of sweet cake or a bar of chocolate.

Matthew: Isn’t sweet bad for our health?

Nutritionist: Not when taken in small portions. Chocolate, on the contrary, gives additional energy and positive emotions.

Matthew: I see. Thanks for the advice, doctor. I have a sweet tooth, so such diet definitely suits me.

Nutritionist: Let’s have a look at you supper. What do you usually eat in the evening?

Matthew: I can skip this meal. I take a can of non-alcoholic bear and a pack of crisps. That would make my dinner.

Nutritionist: Oh, that’s the worst part of your daily meal. You should change this habit immediately.

Matthew: What shall I have for dinner then?

Nutritionist: Boiled vegetables with roast beef would be ideal for you. For a drink have a small glass of red wine. It will help you to digest the food and it will lower your cholesterol.

Matthew: Sounds good, but sometimes I come so tired after work that I don’t want to cook anything. What shall I do in this situation?

Nutritionist: Well, what can I say, Matthew? In that case you need a girlfriend who enjoys cooking.

Matthew: Thanks for the advice, doctor. I will try to follow all your recommendations, especially the last one (smiles).

Nutritionist: Not at all. Come again if you have any questions.

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