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Answer the questions on the topic "Animal World". Check1. What is the name of the animal that gives birth to lambs?2. Young dogs are called puppies, young cats are called kittens5. There's one bird which is so lazy that it doesn't build its ownother birds' nests and gets them to do the hard work for it. Dois the fastest running bird in the world (it can't7. Which animals that you can think of belong to the cat family?nest and doesn't hatch' its own eggs. This bird lays its eggs inyou226.answers withDO YOU KNOW?,what are young goats called?3. What pets are kept in cages?4. Do you know why whales and dolphins are not fish?you know which bird this is?6. Whichfly)?8. There are two types of elephants found on earth. One is theAfrican elephant. What's the other one called?9. A fawn' is a young animal that lives in woods or forests. Whatwill it be when it grows up?10. These creatures catch their food in special nets that theymake themselves. What are they called? How many legs do theyhave?11. What is a rabbit's home called?12. This reptile carries its home round on its back. What is it?


1. Yes, the plant world of our country is very rich. We’ve got lots of different trees and flowers on the territory of our country

2. Yes, plants make our country more beautiful.

3) Yes, they make our country a healthier place to live.

4) Yes, the place where I live is rich in forests.

5) Yes, we grow some plants in our flat and we have a garden in the country. We grow many room flowers on the balcony and we also grow some fruit trees, for example, apple trees and pear trees in our garden.

6) We can plant more trees in the streets and in the parks to make our country green and beautiful. We also must cut down forest trees and destroy green world around us.

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