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I. Переведите на русский язык:1) to pay attention to2) to win award3) jealous4) tan5) straight hair6) possible7) cute8) to achieveII. Выберите причастие I или причастие II:1) I was excited/exciting when I heard the news.2) This film was bored/boring, I didn’t like it.3) What a disappointed/disappointing situation. The shop is closed.4) He was amused/amusing by my jokes.III. Вставьте прилагательные в нужном порядке:1) She is a (French, brilliant, tall) actress.2) This is my (German, old) car.3) He is a (old, Russian, handsome) artist.IV. Вставьте нужное относительное местоимение/наречие:1) Can you tell me (when, which, why) you are looking at me?2) This is the boy (whose, who, where) won award.3) 2013 was the year (when, who, which) we went to Berlin.4) I can’t say (when, which, where) they live.5) I like the shop (who, which, why) is near your house.V. Выберите правильное слово1) My little sister has cute pigtails/scar.2) My mother has big/long hair.3) My uncle is really tall with a hair/moustache.4) Mike and I are both well-built/well-build.5) Kate has a pretty face with red, curly eyes/hair.6) Alice is short and straight/plump.7) He has so cute eyes on his round/wavy face.8) She looks like a model. She is so fat/slim.9) Alex has dark appearance/tan.10) Mary is a beautiful/ short tall American actress.VI. Впишите правильный предлог1) Daniel Radcliff is famous ___________ playing a role of Harry Potter.2) Never give _______. You can cope __________ any problems.3) When you finish reading this book, please, give it _______ to me.4) If you don’t need these clothes, you can give it _________.5) When Stephen Hawking was at University, he lost control _______ his muscles.6) Jack gave ______ jogging in the morning when he got a new job.7) Tony Stark gave ________ his secret identity.


1 обратить внимание на

2) выиграть награду

3) ревнивый

4) tan (загар)

5) прямые волосы

6) possible (возможно)

7) cute (милый)

8) для достижения

сори. я только перевести смог

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