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Умоляю посчитайте.1. Match the word combinations with their definitions.Lead unhealthy lifestyle The factories, cars produce wasteharmful to natureHeavy traffic Too many peopleConstant noise Too many carsPollution The sum of money you pay foraccommodation, transport, etc. is reallybigConvenient public transport There are not many people withoutworkCrowded streets To breathe in polluted air, smoke, sleepfor few hours…High cost of living You can hear too many sounds ofdifferent type all the timeLow rate of unemployment It’s easy to get to any part of the city bybus/trolley bus/tram or metro2. Match the word combinations with the Russian equivalents.High quality lifestyle Тишина и спокойствиеFeel isolated Чувствовать одиноко, изолированноBeautiful landscapes Отзывчивые людиHigh rate of unemployment Красивые пейзажиPeace and quiet Правильный образ жизниHelpful people Высокий уровень безработицы3. You are at a conference devoted to the problems of living in the cities and inthe country. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of both. Use the wordsfrom exercises 1 and 2. Give true to life examples. 4. Answer the questions to the text in your SB, p. 7.• Does Annabel like going to the farmyard? Why?• What time do Annabel and Sarah get up?• Why is Sarah so excited?• How different are Annabel’s and Sarah’s schools?• Why do Annabel and Sarah feel happy about going back home?5. Would you like to live in the city/country? Work in pairs. You are leavingfor the city/village tomorrow. Make a list of things you are going to do. Usethe schedule below:Day Village CitySundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayShare your plans with your classmates. Choose the most exciting plan ofstaying in a city/village.6. Use Present Continuous or Present Simple to complete the sentences.• Where’s Jane? – She ______________________ a shower. (have)• My lessons ___________ at 9.00. (start)• Tom never ___________ computer games before he ___________ hishomework. (play, finish)• Nick and Peter _______________ chess at the moment. (play)• ____ you ______________ a cow these days? (milk) – Yes, I ____.• What time _______ your train _________? (leave) 7. a. Look at the cities. Where are they? What do you know about these cities?New York, London, Paris, Zurich, Geneva, Vancouver, Auckland, Vienna,Dusseldorf, Munich, Frankfurt, Sydney, Bern.b. Make a rating of these cities – start with the best for living (in youropinion). Try to explain your choice. Work in groups of three.1_____________________2_____________________3_____________________4_____________________5_____________________6_____________________7_____________________8_____________________9_____________________10____________________8. Study the rating of best places in the world presented in the article “TheWorld’s Best Places to Live 2008” (Business Week, July 12, 2008). Is yourrating the same? Where would you like to live? Why?Consultants rated each city on a variety of factors including the level of trafficcongestion, air quality, and personal safety. The highest-scoring U.S. city isHonolulu, which came in at No. 28.Still, Mercer says that cities with a high quality of life are not necessarily the mostexciting. “There are a lot of ‘sleepy’ towns that got high ratings,” said RebeccaPowers, a principal consultant in human capital for the company. “But if you wereto judge them on something like nightlife, there are some that probably wouldn’thave rated as high.” No. 1: Zurich, SwitzerlandPopulation: 347,517Life expectancy: 80.74 yearsNo. 2: Vienna, AustriaPopulation: 1,825,287Life expectancy: 79.36 yearsNo. 3: Geneva, SwitzerlandPopulation: 185,000Life expectancy: 80.74 yearsNo. 4: Vancouver, CanadaPopulation: 560,000Life expectancy: 81.16 yearsNo. 5: Auckland, New ZealandPopulation: 1.18 millionLife expectancy: 80.24 yearsNo. 6: Dusseldorf, GermanyPopulation: 581,858Life expectancy: 79.1 yearsNo. 7: Munich, GermanyPopulation: 1,332,650Life expectancy: 79.1 yearsNo. 7: Frankfurt, GermanyPopulation: 3,700,000 Life expectancy: 79.1 yearsNo. 9: Bern, SwitzerlandPopulation: 122,178Life expectancy: 79.36 yearsNo. 10: Sydney, AustraliaPopulation: 4,297,100Life expectancy: 80.73 yearsCities are compared to New York as the base city, with an index score of 100. Thequality-of-living survey covers 215 cities and is conducted to help governmentsand major companies place employees on international assignments. The surveyalso identifies those cities with the highest personal safety ranking based oninternal stability, crime, effectiveness of law enforcement, and relationships withother countries.9. Project. Make a rating of the 10 top cities in Russia. Choose the criterionfor rating the cities (the most exciting, the most polluted, the cleanest, thenoisiest…). Make a poster and present it.


1. Lead unhealthy lifestyle

a. It’s easy to get to any part of the city by bus/trolley bus/tram or metro

2. Heavy traffic

b. The sum of money you pay for accommodation, transport, etc. is really big

3. Constant noise

c. There are not many people without work

4. Crowded streets

d. Too many cars

5. High cost of living

e. You can hear too many sounds of different type all the time

6. Convenient public transport

f. The factories, cars produce waste harmful to nature

7. Pollution

g. Too many people

8. Low rate of unemployment

h. To breathe in polluted air, smoke, sleep for few hours…

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