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Английский язык

Английский дам 40 поинтов1) Did you take ... photographs when you were on holiday? mucha lot ofmany2)This is a very modern city. There are ... old buildings. *1 баллa fewfewa lot of3) Fill in the gaps with have/has gone or have/has been: 1. Anna _____________ to her sister's. Would you like to call her there?2. You've got a tan. ______ you ______ on holiday? *1 балл1. has gone 2. Have you been1. has gone 2. Have you gone1. have gone 2. Have you been1. has been 2. Have you gone4) Sue drinks ... tea *1 баллmucha lot ofa few5) Last week there was so ... rain that I was not able to go out. *1 баллmuchmanya lot of6) Fill in the gaps with have/has gone or have/has been: 1. I _______________to that gallery twice but I haven't seen the painting you mentioned. 2. Jimm _________________ for a walk. He will be back in an hour. *1 балл1. have been 2. have gone1. has gone 2. have been1. have been 2. has gone1. has gone 2. has been7) Fill in the gaps with have/has gone to or have/has been to: 1. Fred isn't here. He __________________ the library to get some books.2. He ________________(never) a tropical island.1 балл1. has gone to 2. has been to1. has been to 2. has gone to1. have gone to 2. have been to1. have gone to 2. has been to8) We didn't spend ... money *1 баллmanyfewmuch9) She isn't very popular. She has ... friends *1 баллfewa fewmany10)Ann is very busy these days. She has ... free time. *1 баллmuchlittlea little


1) a lot of

2) a few

3) has gone

Have you gone

4) a lot of

5) much

6) have been

has gone

7) has been to

has never been to

8) much

9) a few

10) a little

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