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1. if it rains tomorrow, we ... football *won't playwouldn't playplay2. If I ... a lot of money, I'd donate it to charity *winwonwould win3. If I ... you, I wouldn't do it *wasweream4. If Sarah ... Portuguese, she would have enjoyed her stay in Brazil more *learnedhave learnedhad learned5. If she ... so hard, she would never make any progress *doesn't workdidn't workwouldn't work6. If anything ..., they will be blamed *happenhappenshappened7. I ... work, if you didn't disturb me *will finishwould finishfinished8. He ..., if the surgeon hadn't operated on him *diedwould diewould have died9. If you had strained your ears, you ... a slight noise in the bushes *would hearwould had heardwould have heard10. When an earthquake hits, the ground ... *shakeshakeswill shake11. If we ... tickets, we ... to the theatre *have, would gohad, will gohad, would go12. If Tim ... earlier at the circus, he ,,, the trapeze act *arrived, would have seenhad arrived, would have seenhas arrived, would see13. They ... of poverty unless someone ... them *won't get out, helpswon't get out, doesn't helpwill get out, will help14. If Peter ... time, he ... to the art festival *had, will gohas, will gohas, would go15. If the photographer ... in a hurry, he ... his camera at home *was, would forgethadn't been, wouldn't have forgottenhad been, wouldn't have forgotten16. If only it ... raining, so we could go to the festival *stoppedhad stoppedwill stop17. I missed the opening show of the festival. If only I ... earlier *would leavelefthad left18. Jane acts as if she ... an expert on the subject *werehad beenwill be19. I wish you ... the concert last night, it was great *sawhad seenhadn't seen20. He wishes he ... on holiday now *washad beenwould be


1. if it rains tomorrow, we ... football *

*won't play

wouldn't play


2. If I ... a lot of money, I'd donate it to charity *



would win

3. If I ... you, I wouldn't do it *




4. If Sarah ... Portuguese, she would have enjoyed her stay in Brazil more *


*have learned

had learned

5. If she ... so hard, she would never make any progress *

doesn't work

didn't work

*wouldn't work

6. If anything ..., they will be blamed *




7. I ... work, if you didn't disturb me *

will finish

*would finish


8. He ..., if the surgeon hadn't operated on him *


*would die

would have died

9. If you had strained your ears, you ... a slight noise in the bushes *

would hear

*would had heard

would have heard

10. When an earthquake hits, the ground ... *



will shake

11. If we ... tickets, we ... to the theatre *

have, would go

*had, will go

had, would go

12. If Tim ... earlier at the circus, he ,,, the trapeze act *

arrived, would have seen

had arrived, would have seen

*has arrived, would see

13. They ... of poverty unless someone ... them *

*won't get out, helps

won't get out, doesn't help

will get out, will help

14. If Peter ... time, he ... to the art festival *

had, will go

*has, will go

has, would go

15. If the photographer ... in a hurry, he ... his camera at home *

was, would forget

*hadn't been, wouldn't have forgotten

had been, wouldn't have forgotten

16. If only it ... raining, so we could go to the festival *


*had stopped

will stop

17. I missed the opening show of the festival. If only I ... earlier *

*would leave


had left

18. Jane acts as if she ... an expert on the subject *


*had been

will be

19. I wish you ... the concert last night, it was great! *


*had seen

hadn't seen

20. He wishes he ... on holiday now *


had been

would be

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