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Английский язык

посчитайте Complete the questions in the past continuous. Use the verbs given (change them into the past continuous) and 'was'/'were' to complete the questions. You don’t need to use all the verbs. An example is given. Write words in British English. play do make have repair paint watch run feed wait swim sit Example: ______ David__________ soccer? Was David playing soccer? soccer-free-download-125.jpg 1. the children a picture? 2. Hazel in the pool? 3. Jason and Aaron down the street? 4. Rebecca Star Trek? 5. Ricky for you?

Were children painting the picture?
Was Hazel swimming in the pool?
Were Jason and Aaron running down the street?
Was Rebecca watching Star Trek(здесь не уверенна, не знаю что такое star treck, фтльм или тв программа наверное)
Was Ricky waiting for you?
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