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посчитайте с ОГЭВарианты ответа 1.Alice doesn't mind (do, to do, doing) most of the chores, but I suggest you (help, to help, helping) her2. I am sorry (tell, to tell, telling) you this, but we don't have (money enough, enough money, to money) to go on holiday this year.3.Helen is (tired enough, too tired, tired too) to water the plants, so she's decided (do, to do, doing) it tomorrow.4. It's no use (worry, to worry, worring) about losing my book now, but next time don't borrow my things without (ask, to ask, asking) me first5.You don't need (worry, to worry, worring) about Maya. She's (too old, enough old, enough old)to stay home by herself. 6.Please remember (switch, to switch, switching)off the lights. You always forget (do, to do, doing) it

1 doing , to help
2 to tell , enough money,
3 too tired, to do
4 to worry ( здесь не уверена), asking
5 to worry ,old enough
6 to switch to do(не уверена)
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