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 2. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?1. It (snow) … … all day. I wonder when it will stop. 2. We (have) … … three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have. 3. It‟s ten p.m. I (study) … … I wonder how many more we will have. 4. I (write) … … them three times, but I still haven‟t received a reply. 5. The telephone (ring) …. … four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my office mate. 6. The telephone (ring) …… for almost a minute. Why doesn‟t someone answer it? 7. A.: (you, be) … …. able to reach Bob on the phone yet? B.: Not yet. I (try) … … for the last twenty minutes, but all I get is a busy signal. 8. A.: Hi, Jenny. I (see, not) … … you for weeks. What (you, do) … …. lately? B.: Studying. 9. A.: What are you going to order for dinner? B.: Well, I (have, never) … … vegetarian pizza, so I think I‟ll order that. 10. A.: What‟s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. (you, cry) B.: No, I just finished peeling some onions. 11. A.: Dr. Jones is a good teacher. How long (he, be) … … the university. B.: He (teach) … … here for twenty-five years. 12. The little girl is dirty from head to foot because she (play) …. … in the mud. посчитайте пж )​


1. has been snowing

2. have had

3. have been studing

4. have writen

5. has rang

6. has been ringning

7. Have you been

have been tring

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