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Вставить пропущенные a, an , the or… tea is …evergreen plant. It was accidentally discovered by … Emperor … Shen Nung of … China. Whilst on … trip, he was boiling … pot of … water when … tea leaf fell into it. … British sailors, returning from … Far East, brought packets of … tea back …home as presents for their relatives. … first advertisement for … tea appeared in … newspaper called Mercurius Politicus in 1660. … advertisement in … newspaper said that … tea could cure … colds and other illnesses. … poor were prepared to pay as much as … third of their weekly wage to have tea. … tea has been … most popular drink in … Britain for three hundred years. … average Briton drinks thirty cups of … tea … week. In fact, … British import almost twenty-five percent of all … tea exported in … world.


tea is an evergreen plant. He was accidentally discovered by Emperor Shen Nung of China. Whilst on a trip he boiled a pot of water when the tea leaf fell into it British sailors, returning from the Far East, brought tea bags home as gifts for their relatives the first tea advertisement appeared in a newspaper called Mercurius Politicus in 1660 advertising in the newspaper said that tea could cure colds and other poor illnesses were willing to pay as much as a third of the weekly salary for tea was the most popular drink in the Britian for three hundred years the average Briton drinks thirty cups of tea a week. In fact, British imports of almost twenty-five percent of the total tea is exported to the world.

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