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Английский язык

Здравствуйте, посчитайте с английскимТам задание:Look at the names answer the question and completely the sentences.И имена:Jane, Tina, Luna, Juan, Sam, Matt, Jhon, Joe, Jill, Stacy.Вопросы:Who is the third person?Is Matt in the eight place?Where is Luna?Who is In the tenth place?What is the Jhon's place?Is Matt the seventh boy?Who is In the fourth place?Is Luna the second person?Заранее спасибо.


1. The third person is Luna

2. No,he isn't

3. Luna is third person

4. Stacy is a tenth place

5. Jhon's place is seventh

6. No he isn't

7. İn the fourth place is Juan

8. No she isn't

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