4 год назад
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Nov 20, 2020
1. The world's leading specialists in biology and ecology (экологии) are concerned (беспокояться) about these changes.
2. They say that one in five species (виды) on Earth are in danger.
3. For example, in Madagascar, 87% of primate species (monkeys, apes, lemurs etc.) face extinction. (вымирание)
4. Many species are nearly extinct (вымерли) - we can only see them in zoos!
5. One of the great environmental (экологическая) problems is climate change.
6. The natural habitat (среда проживания) of these leopards could be too warm for them.
7. Biologists are also worried about rare (редкие) plants.
8. They are in danger because of air and water pollution. (загрязнение)
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