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Заполни пропуски в предложениях правильной формой глагола. Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous?1. Jason cried after he ____ (fail) his exam.2. Tina ____ (play) tennis for hours before the competition started.3. Rob ____ (walk) his dog for a long time when it rained.4. Helen ____ (already / leave) the party when Jim arrived.5. They ____ (live) in London for ten years before they moved to Paris.6. Ann was happy because her parents ____ (give) her a present.7. Before Mike came home he ____ (visit) his Granny.8. My sister ____ (practice) the piano all morning before she went to school.9. By the time Bill Gates was 13 he ____ (write) his first programme.10. John ____ (try) to fix his computer for two hours before he decided to call a professional.


1 had failed

2 had been playing

3 had been walking

4 had already left

5 had been living

6 had given

7 had visited

8 had been practicing

9 had written

10 had been trying

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