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15 marks2 Choose the correct option1 We have / has to go now, it'sgetting late.2 You must / mustn't park your carthere. It says 'No Parking'.3 They don't/ doesn't have tostudy tonight4 You mustn't/ don't have to leavenow I need your help 5You mustn't/ don't have to talkloudly in the library.6She doesn't have / has to comewith me. I can go alone.7 You must / mustn't eat lots ofvegetables. They're good for you.8She mustn't/ doesn't have towork at the weekend, but shewants to9Has she / Does she have to buyfood from the supermarket?10 We mustn't/ don't have to go toschool on Saturdays./10 marksNEXT MOVE Tests Pears

1. Have
2. Mustn’t
3. Don’t
4. Don’t
5. Mustn’t
6. Doesn’t have
7. Must
8. Mustn’t
9. Does
10. Don’t
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