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Choose the correct verb form.1. He _____ to give up smoking, but he isn't likely to succeed.a) try​​​​b) trying​​​c) is trying2. I _____ a little before I go to bed.a) am usually reading​​b) usually read ​​c) read usually3. She stopped the car and _____ a sandwich by the side of the road.a) is eating​​​b) ate​​​​c) eats4. Susan _____ this week. She's on holiday.a) isn't working​​b) doesn't work​​c) works not5. What was wrong with you? Why _____ to hospital?a) you went​​​b) you are going​​c) did you go6. He _____ what you are saying.a) isn't understanding​​b) doesn't understand​​c) isn't understood7. Angela _____ when she was 23 years old.a) got married​​​b) is getting married​​c) gets married8. After the interview they _____ me a form and _____ me to fill it in.a) gave ... told​​​b) are giving ... tell​​c) give ... told9. Look The plane _____ towards the airport.a) flew​​​​b) is flying ​​​c) flies10. What _____? I work in a shop.a) are you doing​​b) did you do​​​c) do you do


1. Is trying

2. Usually read

3. Ate

4. Isn't working

5. Did you go

6. Isn't understanding

7. Got married

8. Are giving

9. Is flying

10. Do you do

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