4 год назад
К каждому предложению задать вопрос и построить отрицательное предложение.1) Students usually spend their free time in the common room.2) Harry never walks to school.3)Hermione always studies a lot.4) They do magic tricks.5) He teaches History of Magic. посчитайте

Nov 19, 2020
1. How students usually spend their free time?
2. Does Harry walks to school?
3. How much does Hermione study?
4. What do they do?
5. What does he teach?
Отрицательные предложения:
1. Students usually don't spend their free time in the common room.
2. Harry usually walks to school
3. Hermione doesn't study a lot
4. They don't do magic tricks
5. He doesn't teach History of Magic.