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посчитайте хээлп плииз очень прошу 7. Adverb or adjective?​1. The driver of the car was _____ injured. (serious / seriously)2. The driver of the car had _____ injures. (serious / seriously)3. I think you behaved very _____ (selfish / selfishly)4. Rose is ____ upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)5. There was a _____ change in the weather. (sudden/suddenly)6. Everybody at the party was _____ dressed. (colorful / colorfully)7. Linda likes wearing ______ clothes (colorful / colorfully)8. She fell and hurt herself quite ______. (bad / badly)9. He says he didn‟t do well at school because he was _____taught. (bad / badly)10. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look _____ . (safe / safely)11. He looked at me_____when I interrupted him. (angry/angrily)


1) seriously

2) serious

3) selfish (?)

4) terribly

5) suddenly

6) colorfully

7) colorful

8) bad

9) badly

10) safe

11) angrily

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