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He (have) a bath when the phone rang.2. Mother … (not / allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as strong wind was blowing.3. Mary never … (make) spelling mistakes.4. Ann … (think) of applying for a job in a big city.5. The jumper … (shrink) when I washed it,6. … (A, Bell / invent) the television or the telephone?7. Don't bother me I … (read) Agatha Christie's book,8. I saw you last night, You … (wait) for a bus,9. The students … (do) the test, … (hand) them in and … (leave) the classroom,10. Jane … (work) as a waitress for the summer.11. Poor Julia I know you . (clean) your flathe whole day yesterday,12. I looked in the classroom, The teacher … (draw) the diagrams on the board,13. Shakespeare … (write) a lot of amazing sonnets,14. How often … (Alice / dust) the furniture?15. Try this dish It … (taste) delicious.16. My parents … (leave) for Berlin next Friday,17. Ann … (still / look) out of the window when I … (enter),18. American football … (become) more and more popular in Europe,19. Rain … (fall) very heavily in Bombay in June and July,20. Why … (the man / stand) in the middle of the road? It's really dangerous,21. Robert always … (go) to Belarus for his holidays, His Granny lives there,22. I usually go by train but this weekend I … (go) by bus as it costs cheaper.23. I was driving along when suddenly a red fox … (run) across the road,24. Look Our kitten … (smell) the flowers in the garden,25 The shops … (not / open) till 9am,​

  1. He was having a bath when the phone rang.
  2. Mother didn't allow us to go out in the boat yesterday as strong wind was blowing.
  3. Mary never makes spelling mistakes.
  4. Ann is thinking of applying for a job in a big city.
  5. The jumper shrinked when I washed it.
  6. A. Bell invented the television or the telephone?
  7. Don't bother me! I … (read) Agatha Christie's book,
  8. I saw you last night, You were waiting for a bus,
  9. The students did the test, handed them in and left the classroom,
  10. Jane works as a waitress for the summer.
  11. Poor Julia! I know you cleaned your flat the whole day yesterday,
  12. I looked in the classroom, The teacher was drawing the diagrams on the board,
  13. Shakespeare wrote a lot of amazing sonnets,
  14. How often does Alice dust the furniture?
  15. Try this dish! It tastes delicious.
  16. My parents are leaving for Berlin next Friday,
  17. Ann was still looking out of the window when I entered
  18. American football became more and more popular in Europe,
  19. Rain falls very heavily in Bombay in June and July,
  20. Why did the man stood in the middle of the road? It's really dangerous,
  21. Robert always goes to Belarus for his holidays, His Granny lives there,
  22. I usually go by train but this weekend I went by bus as it costs cheaper.
  23. I was driving along when suddenly a red fox running across the road,
  24. Look! Our kitten is smelling the flowers in the garden,
  25. The shops are not open till 9am,
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