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Английский язык

2 **Write present perfect simple sentenceswith the prompts.1 blog post / you / write?How many blog posts have you written?2 She/win/ a lot of competitions3 We/watch/two films today4 times/they/go/ there?5 1/send/ 100 texts/ this week6 people/he/invite/to the circus?​


2 She has won alot of competions

2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today

2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?

2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week

2 She has won alot of competions3 We have watched two films today4 What times have you gone there?5 I have sent 100 texts this week6 How many peple has he invited to the circus?

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