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посчитайте ПРОШУ 1.Mary is a…….university professor. (A-teenager, B-middle-aged, C- in her twenties) 2.That’s the girl …..mother is a teacher.(A-which, B-whose, C-that ) 3.We gave…. skiing because we got bored. (A-away, B-back, C-up) 4.He hates getting stuck in traffic ….. (A-fuels, B-jam, C-situations) 5. The robber ran away….. he saw the police car. (A-then, B-as soon as, C-until) 6.A little girl had the cutest….. . (A-build, B-pigtails, C-height) 7.I like listening to …… because I’m very curious about other people’s lives. (A-music, B-articles, C-gossip) 8. Jane and Dick …… their house at 2 pm yesterday. (A-leave, B-left, C-are leaving) 9. We ….. our house unlocked when we are not at home.(A-should leave, B-left, C-shouldn’t leave) 10. Miss Marple didn’t like the hustle and ….. of big cities. (A-bunch, B- bouquet, C-bustle) 11.In my neighbourhood , I have all shops …. at hand. (A-isolated, B-close, C-far) 12.If we run …. of milk ,I’ll go to buy some at the shop. (A-over, B-into, C-out) 13.To be a film writer you have to be…. .(A-daring, B-athletic, C-imaginative) 14.They watched a very ….. film last night.(A-exciting, B-excited, C-excite) 15. We were happy….. we heard the good news.(A-until, B-when, C-then) 16.They ….. their son every Sunday.(A-visits, B-are visiting, C-visit) 17.Sam ….to Hawaii last month. (A-went , B-used to go, C-go) 18.The book…..you are reading is very good.(A-who, B-why, C-which) 19.At first … she seemed like a very friendly lady.(A-glance, B-appearance, C-case) 20.I didn’t like the….of the film. It was too complicated.(A-myth, B-plot, C-adventure) 21.I ….playing tennis. It’s my hobby.(A-love, B-am loving, C-loves to) 22.Many people …isolated in big cities. (A-feel, B-sleep, C-sit) 2 из 2 23.I was ….to see that a puppy found a home.(A-shocked, B-happy, C-interested) 24.I got a …..camera for my birthday.(A-mobile, B-virtual, C-digital) 25.At noon she did the washing up , ….she started her homework.(A-as soon as, B-then, C-when) 26.I……to pay the bills last month.(A-don’t remember, B-didn’t remember, C-doesn’t remember) 27.We like hanging ….at the café in the afternoons. (A-out, B-over, C-in) 28,Mum is usually …..when she comes home from work.(A-tire, B-tired, C-tiring) 29.You’ll never ….what happened to me yesterday.(A-look, B-say, C-guess) 30.Come on The film….in half an hour.(A-started, B-starts, C-is starting)

1 task allows, with the help of a teacher or independently, to learn to understand the text without using a dictionary. To find the correct answer, you need to find the key points of the content of the text. 2 and 3 tasks help to determine the depth of knowledge in the main sections of the morphology and syntax of the English language. In the field of morphology, it is necessary to pay attention to the temporal forms, voice and mood of the verb, the degree of comparison of adjectives, to modal verbs and their equivalents. Task 4 consists of 2 parts.

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