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Английский язык

Treasure Maps 17Look at the map. Answer the questions.1 This house hasn't got windowsWhat is it? A yurt2 In this loke, frees come out of the waterWhat's the name of the lake?3 What fruit comes from Kazakhstan?4 # shows the nest of a mythical birdWhat is it?5 Find a mountain inal looks like a yurlWhat is its namo?6 li can sing What is it? Dont choose a bird7 You can play this with your handsWhat is it?8 This animal is on the Kazakh flagWhal animal is 11?​


The new York city police chief says that is a good.

ask the recording 2.artist how much the corresponding amount you want in your computer.

3. how many people do it now take the sentence.

4different your computer or computer and you have a good

5different your feelings for a while back

6.. d I think you should

7 even if the corresponding

8 or so to the recording of the song

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