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посчитайте пж 1. SheA) wearD) wearsa uniform.B) to wear C) wearinghis car every weekend.B) washes C) washing2HeA) washD) washedthree languages.3. RosemaryA) speaksB) talksC) tellsD) know4. My dadA) stands upat 7 o'clock everyday.B) looks up gets upD) jumps up5.Isabel is a flight attendant. SheA) serve B) to servepassengersC) serves D) serving6.Their sonA) worksIn this hospitalB) beginsC) startsD) likes7. Jim's a postman. HeA) answers B) worksletters to people.dellversD) serves8.Jane's a doctor. Sheill people.A) looks at B) speaks to C) helpsD) serves drinks9. BemA) livesin a flat in Birmingham.B) stands C) hasD) wants10. Nancy's uncle is a pilot. HeA) goesB) seesall over the world.C) travels D) deliverstennis.11. In winter SheilaA) makes / playsC) does / playsskiing and in summerB) goes / playsD) starts /12. My friend's son Turkish and English at university.A) hasB) playsC) studiesD) goes13. Most of the peopleA) finishesB) goeswork at 8 o'clock every moming.C) doesD) starts14. A: does Tony Blair live?B: In Great Britain.A) When B) WhereC) What timeD) How15.does your father do in his free time?A) WhyB) What kind C) How many D) What16.does Andy's little brother play with?A) WhoB) WhyC) How oldD) Where17. A does Natalie's nephew do?B. He's an architect.​

1. wears
2. washes
3. speaks
4. stands up
5. serves
6. works.
7. serves
8. looks at
9. lives
11. b
12. c
17. what
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