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Living in the countrysideRead the text and click to choose the most suitable word.My villageI was born in the countryside and lived in the village. But a few years ago, our family moved into the city. I study at school in the city, but I spend every summer in the countryside at my grandparents. My grandparents’ farm is located far away from the noisy city.I like spending my vacations in the countryside because life in the village is very quiet and even relaxed. I know exactly what I need to do every day and that gives me an opportunity to plan my day and enjoy my free time.What I like most about living in the countryside is that we are close to ____We can grow our own fruit and vegetables in the garden. My grandparents also cultivate the land for farming purposes, they grow some crops there and look after domestic animals.There are many more things people can do in the countryside. As for me, I like to walk in the fields and forest. When I walk, I enjoy bird watching and bird singing. And what is more I can take a deep breath as air is not ____in the countryside. But there are more places for walking and bike riding. There is a possibility to enjoy swimming and fishing in the river nearby. I love my home village a lot посчитайте :-(​


What I like most about living in the countryside is that we are close to nature. We can grow our own fruit and vegetables in the garden. My grandparents also cultivate the land for farming purposes, they grow some crops there and look after domestic animals. There are many more things people can do in the countryside. As for me, I like to walk in the fields and forest. When I walk, I enjoy bird watching and bird singing. And what is more I can take a deep breath as air is not polutted in the countryside. But there are more places for walking and bike riding. There is a possibility to enjoy swimming and fishing in the river nearby. I love my home village a lot!

Что мне больше всего нравится в жизни в деревне, так это то, что мы близки к природе. Мы можем выращивать собственные фрукты и овощи в саду. Мои бабушка и дедушка также обрабатывают землю для сельскохозяйственных целей, выращивают там урожай и ухаживают за домашними животными. В деревне можно сделать еще много вещей. Что касается меня, то я люблю гулять по полям и лесу. Когда я гуляю, мне нравится наблюдать за птицами и петь птицы. А еще я могу сделать глубокий вдох, ведь в деревне воздух не загрязнённый. Но есть еще места для прогулок и катания на велосипеде. В близлежащей реке можно искупаться и порыбачить. Я очень люблю свою родную деревню!

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