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What have these people been doing? Makesentences using an appropriate verb inthe present perfect continuous.НАПИШИТЕ, КАКДОЛГОЛЮДИ ВЫПОЛНЯЮТэти ДЕЙствия1 Catherine went to the supermarket an hour ago.She's still there..Catherine has been shopping for an hour.2 My mum began cooking three hours ago. Shehasn't finished yet.3 The teams started playing football twenty minutesago. They haven't finished yet.4 The headmaster started speaking two hours ago.He hasn't stopped yet.5 Bill began building his house six months ago. Hehasn't finished it yet. .6 I started doing my homework three hours ago. Ihaven't finished it yet.


: 2) My mum has been cooking for three hours.

3) The teams have been playing football for twenty minutes.

4) The headmaster has been speaking for two hours.

5) Bill has been building his house for six months.

6) I've been doing my homework for three hours.

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