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посчитайте ДАМ 45 Поинтов Вставте у речення потрібний займенник ‘whose’ ,‘where’, “who”, “that” or ‘when’.1. I like to visit places … nobody else goes. 2. The island … I go on holiday is a beautiful place. 3. I spoke to the woman … daughter I know. 4. Linda is the student … exam results were fantastic. 5. That was the year … I started playing the guitar. 6. This is the place ... your parents met each other for the first time. 7. The programme …I watched on TV last night was very interesting. 8. Walter’s grandmother, …lives in Scotland, got married yesterday. 9. Jessica and John, … have moved in next door, are both dentists. 10. The hotel, … you can book a room, has two swimming pools and a bar.


1. where

2. where

3. who

4. who

5. when

6. where

7. that

8. who

9. who

10. where

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