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Present Simple or Present Continuous?1. Can you phone back a bit later (HEMHOZO no3dhee), please. Jane ... a bath. A. is having B. has2. Run downstairs (6HU3, ha nepobiù omaɔic). Your sister ... you. A. is waiting (to wait - picdamb)B. waits3. John ... in the garden. A. is still (oce euye) working B. still works4. My son ... home late every day. A. comes B. is coming5. Whyyou ... ? Is something wrong? (Ymo-mo he mak?) A. are ... crying B. do ... cry6. Why ... you not ...you not ... ?I ... for you. A. are ... hurrying (to hurry - cneuumb) A'. is waitingB. is hurrying B'. am waiting7. It ... in this part of the country. A. is often raining B. often rains8. We ... to the cinema. A. are sometimes going B. sometimes go9. Usually I ... coffee in the morning, but now I ... tea. A. am having A’. drink B. have B’. amdrinking10. - What ... she ... ?- She is a secretary at our college. A. is ... doing B. does ... do C. does​


1 is having

2 is waiting

3 is still working

4 comes

5 are ... crying

6 are hurrying / am waiting

7 often rains

8 sometimes go

9 drink / am

10 does ... do

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