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1.How many days each week is Amberton farm open?2.What do they have at 1 o’clock?3.Where do they eat and drink in the afternoon?4.Where do young children feed the ducks?5.What time does the first visitor probably arrive?​Do you live in a town or a city? These days, most people do. Maybe you've gotacat or a dog or a hamster, but you probably don'see farm animals very often and you don't knowwhat life is like on a farm.b Amberton Farm is a city farm, and it's open to thepublic seven days a week, 365 days a year.Mr and Mrs Collins and all the farm workers hereat Amberton Farm welcome everyone: parents,children, teachers, students. While you're here,you're sure to learn a lot about how a farm works -and have a great time too Farm life starts early (at 5.30am ) so our doors openearly too. People start arriving at six o'clock. Theystay all day and leave at seven in the evening.What do they do and what do they learn whilethey're here? Well, they don't have a lazy day, that'sfor sure Every day, we feed all the animals, milkthe cows and collect the chickens'eggs. We alsobrush the horses, move the sheep to a differentfield (Sally the sheepdog makes sure they don'tgo to the wrong place ), plant and pick fruit andvegetables, and lots of other jobs. And the peoplevisiting us help us do all these things too Of course, we don't work all the time. We have alovely lunch at one o'clock, and tea and cake inthe afternoon. There's also lots of time to touchthe animals, to see how they live, and to play withthem. Young children love feeding the ducks onthe duckpond. Some older children ride the horses,or take the goats for a walk. Everyone loves thebaby animals. We've often got chicks, ducklings,calves, ponies, lambs, puppies and kittens to playwith and look at. And everyone loves stroking Ned,the old donkey. He doesn't walk orrun much anymore, but he's stillhappy and loves all the visitors ​


1. It's open seven days a week.

2. they have lunch at one o'clock

3. Tea and cake.

4. on the duckpond

5. at six o'clock. I live in the (town\city)

1. Вопрос: как много дней в неделю открыта ферма Амбетрон?

в тексте: Семь дней в неделю.

2. Вопрос: что у них (происходит) в час дня?

: у них обед в час дня

3. Вопрос: Что они едят и пьют днём?

: чай и торт

4. Вопрос: Где младший ребёнок кормит уток?

: На утином пруду

5. Вопрос: В какое время приходит первый посетитель? Вы живёте в городке или городе?

city - это мегаполис. прим: Нью-йорк

town - небольшой городок

: В шесть утра. (второй должны написать сами, в зависимости от того, где вы живёте)

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