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1.Where is Kazakhstan located?2.What countries does Kazakhstan border on?3.What is the total area of Kazakhstan?4.Kazakhstan is a multinational state, isn't it?5.How many provinces are there in Kazakhstan?What are they?6. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?7. How many rivers does the Republic have?What are they?8. What are the biggest lakes of Kazakhstan?9. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence? , посчитайте, отдам 60 поинтов​


1    Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia, that is, between Europe and Asia. It shares borders with Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

2 Rusia China Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan.

3      2 724 900

4 How many

5 14 regions and 3 cities

6 in most of the territory it is sharply continental, with large temperature ranges; relatively dry.

7 There are 85,022 rivers in Kazakhstan

8 balkhash

9 December 16, 1991

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