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Английский язык

В вопросах вставьте do или does, в кратких ответах do, don’t или does, doesn’t.1. … she live with her parents? – Yes, she … . 2. … you like your job? – No, I … . 3. … I speak Italian well? – Yes, you … . 4. … you drive to work? – No, I … .5. … they work hard at the university? – Yes, they … . 6. … Alan smoke? – No, he … . 7. … your sister visit you very often? – Yes, she … . 8. … we usually give her a birthday present? – No, we … . 9. … you write to your parents very often? – No, I … . 10. … he help you very much? – Yes, he …


1. Does she live with her parents? – Yes, she does . 2. Do you like your job? – No, I don't . 3. Do I speak Italian well? – Yes, you do . 4. Do you drive to work? – No, I don't .

5. Do they work hard at the university? – Yes, they do. 6. Does Alan smoke? – No, he doesn't . 7. Does your sister visit you very often? – Yes, she does. 8. Do we usually give her a birthday present? – No, we don't . 9. Do you write to your parents very often? – No, I don't . 10. Does he help you very much? – Yes, he does

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