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ДАЮ 50 поинтов Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the verbs.1) Alice said that she _____ hard for the past few weeks and was very tired.a) was working b) worked c) had been working2) Monika begged me not to tell her mother what _____ earlier that day.a) had happened b) happen c) would happen3) Ann answered she _____ stories and poems all her life, as long as she could remember.a) wro te b) had been writing c) was writing4) The woman standing near the box-office inquired if I knew how much the tickets _____.a) wer e b) had been c) are5) Mark was worried if _____ enough time to finish his report for the conference.a) will have b) he would have c) would he have6) Stella said that she _____ the office earlier that day to get to the station in time.a) had had to leave b) had to leave c) would have to leave7) Peter said that by the end of the year he _____ in his new house for five years.a) would be living b) would live c) would have been living8) Mrs. Fox told me that it had not been raining when lightning _____ the tree in her garden.a) had struck b) should be striking c) struck9) Ann said that she usually bought her clothes on a fashion website, and as a result she _____ any modest things to wear.a) doesn’t have b) didn’t have c) hasn’t10) Sally told me she _____ in Kyiv all that year, and she had no wish to leave the city.a) had lived b) was living c) lived11) Tom believed that Ann _____ the book since Sunday, but she had read only 20 pages so far.a) had been reading b) had read c) was reading12) Ann told me that while she had been eating her cake at the station cafe two strangers _____.a) had come in b) came in c) would come in13) During the interview I asked Kelly Mann why _____ another romantic novel.a) had she written b) she wrote c) she had written14) I knew Ann _____ around Europe for six months already.a) had been travelling b) had travelled c) was travelling


1. c

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

7. c

8. c

9. b

10. b

11. a

12. b

13. c

14. b

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