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посчитайте 1. My dad has worked hard ** his life.a) for b) since c) all 2. How long ** living in Poland?a) is he been b) has he been c) is he 3. "When did you learn to swim?' ***. a) For a long time b) Ten years ago c) Since a long time 4. 'How long has Philip been writing books?' **** a) For his birthday b) Since he was a child c) Twenty years ago 5. How long has Sonia been unemployed? **** a) For two months b) Since two months c) Two months ago 6. 'Neil's on holiday at the moment.' 'Oh, where **?a) is he going b) has he went c) has he gone 7. Rob knows. I ** him the result of the match. a) have already told b) am telling c) have told already 8. Mum and Dad are tired because they ** a long way. a) have drive b) have driven c) have drove 9. Barbara works in a hospital. She ** there for six years. a) worked b) did work c) has worked 10. Three years ago I ** any French. Now I'm very good at it. a) don't speak b) haven't spoken c) didn't speak 11. "When did you last go for a long walk? “**.?a) For three weeks b) Since three weeks c) Three weeks ago 12. Where ** those new shoes? They're lovely a) have you bought b) did you buy c) buy you 13. I'm waiting to hear from Lisa. **? a) Is she ringing yet b) Has she yet rung c) Has she rung yet 14. Sam's tired. He ** two kilometres. a) hasn't swum yet b) has just swum c) have swum 15. Tony ** out, but he left a message for you.a) just has gone b) has just been c) has just gone 16. I've lived in London all my life, so I ** it very well. a) know b) have known c) have been knowing 17. Will has travelled all over the world, but ** to Ireland. a) he's never been b) he's gone never c) he's never gone 18. I ** Simon's birthday present. He mustn't find it before tomorrow. a) have hidden b) have hide c) has hidden 19. David ** in a helicopter, but he'd like to go.a) has never been b) didn't ever go c) never was 20. Has Dave ever ** a motorbike?a) ride b) ridden c) rode


1. c

2. c

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. a

11. c

12. b

13. c

14. c

15. a

16. a

17. a

18. a

19. a

20. c

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