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С переводом и объяснением.1) Study these sentences.Then answer the questions.Sentences: We've just seen the videos about them.I've just finished a sailing trip.1) Do we use the present perfect with just to talkabout recent events or events a long time ago?2) What's the position of just in an affirmative present perfect sentence?2) Complete the sentences with just and the presentperfect simple form of the verbs in brackets. Thenwrite the question form.1) I ........ something funny. ( see )2) They .......... home. ( arrive )3) Sam ........... into the lake. ( dive )4) We .......... past my friend's house.( drive )5) He .............. the world record again.( break )3) Explain the situations with your own words. Usethe correct present perfect simple form withbecause and just.1) The team are celebrating ..................... .2) I haven't got any money now .................. .3) We're covered in snow ........................ .4) My room is tidy .............................. .5) He looks frightened .......................... .



  1. We use the present perfect with just to talk  about recent events. When we use the present perfect, it suggests some kind of connection between what happened in  the past and the present time.
  2. "Just" in an affirmative present perfect sentence shows that something happened recently with a  consequence for the present.
  • Мы используем (Present Perfect (Simple)) Настоящее совершенное время когда, говорим о недавних событиях. Когда мы используем Настоящее совершенное время, это предполагает некоторую связь между тем, что произошло в прошлом и настоящем времени.
  • "Just" в утвердительном предложении Настоящего совершенного  времени показывает, что что-то произошло недавно с последствиями в настоящем времени.


1) I have seen something funny.

Have I seen something funny?

2) They have arrived home.

Have they arrived home?

3) Sam has dived into the lake.

Has Sam dived into the lake?

4) We have driven past my friend's house.

Have we driven past my friend's house?

5) He has broken the world record again.

Has he broken the world record again?


  1. ... because they have just won the competition.
  2. ... because I've just bought flowers.
  3. ... because it has just snowed.
  4. ... because I've just tidied it.
  5. ... because he has just got terrible news.
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