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Английский язык

посчитайте с английским: cделайте следующие предложения вопросительными (общие и дизъюнктивные вопросы) и отрицательными6. The picture will be brought in some days. 7. I shall leave for Moscow in 2 days. 8. He went away on business last month. 9. This work is always done by him. 10. She grew flowers in the garden last summer.11. We shall visit him next week. 12. The news is much spoken about. 13. The cafe will be closed at 6 o'clock. 14. Business letters were written by him. 15. The office is visited by many clients every day. 16. New words will be learned by the students. 17. I shall read this text tomorrow. 18. They always laughed at him at school.


6. The picture will be brought in some days, won't it?

Will the picture be brought in some days?

The picture will not be brought in some days.

7. I shall leave for Moscow in 2 days, shan't I?

Shall I leave for Moscow in 2 day?

I shall not leave for Moscow in 2 day.

8. He went away on business last month, didn't he?

Did he go away on business last month?

He did not go away on business last month.

9. This work is always done by him, isn't it?

Is this work always done by him?

This work is not always done by him.

10. She grew flowers in the garden last summer, didn't she?

Did she grow flowers in the garden last summer?

She did not grow flowers in the garden last summer.

11. We shall visit him next week, shan't we?

Shall we visit him next week?

We shall not visit him next week.

12. The news is much spoken about, isn't it?

Is the news much spoken about?

The news is not much spoken about.

13. The cafe will be closed at 6 o'clock, won't it?

Will the cafe be closed at 6 o'clock?

The cafe will not be closed at 6 o'clock.  

14. Business letters were written by him, weren't they?

Were business letters written by him?

Business letters were not written by him.

15. The office is visited by many clients every day, isn't it?

Is the office visited by many clients every day?

The office is not visited by many clients every day.

16. New words will be learned by the students, won't they?

Will new words be learned by the students?

New words will not be learned by the students.

17. I shall read this text tomorrow, shan't I?

Shall  I read this text tomorrow?

I shall not read this text tomorrow.

18. They always laughed at him at school, didn't they?

Did they always laugh at him at school?

They did not always laugh at him at school.

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