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С переводом и объяснением.1) Complete the FAQ page with the phrases. There aretwo extra phrases.Phrases: become popular, check out, everyone who, involves playing , it's best to , learning to, to learn, where is , where you, which protects.What is underwater hockey?It's a type of water sport which has started to1) .......... . In underwater hockey, like in standardhockey, two teams try to move a puck into a goal.However, underwater hockey 2) ............. at thebottom of the swimming pool.Q What equipment do you need?A mask to help you see underwater and a snorkel tohelp you breathe. You also need fins, gloves and aspecial hat 3) .............. your head and ears. Eachplayer has also got a short stick to move the puck.Q Who can play?Underwater hockey is for 4) ......... can swim.It's easy 5) .......... , but to be good, you must bestrong, fast and able to hold your breath for a longtime When you're learning, 6) .......... treat it asa fun activity.Q Where can I find out more?7) ............. our 'Find a team' page to see if there are any local clubs 8) ........... can join in.2) С переводом и объяснением.Choose the correct prepositions.Jump 1) out of / onto a spacecapsule and parachute2) down / alng to Earth.(Felix Baumgartner)Sail 3) around / off the worldalone at the age of fourteen.(Laura Dekker)Climb 4) through / up Everest at the age of thirteen.(Jordan Romero and Malavath Poorna)Dive 5) out of / off a 27-metre-high cliff into a lake.(Gary Hunt)Kayak 6) over / around 56-metre falls - higherthan Niagara. (Tyler Brandt)Swim 7) over / under ice for seventy-six metres.(Stig Severinson)Surf 8) - / off a thirty-metre wave.(Garrett McNamara)Hike 9) across / under the USA from Mexico toCanada and then hike back again. (Olive McGloin)Cycle 10) down / out of a mountain at 222 kilometresper hour. (Eric Barone)




become popular (становиться популярным),

check out (проверить),

everyone who (каждый, кто),

involves playing (включать/предполагать игру),

it's best to (лучше всего),

learning to (учиться/научиться),

to learn (учиться),

where is (где),

where you (куда вы/где вы/в которые вы),

which protects (который защищает).

What is underwater hockey?

It's a type of water sport which has started to 1) become popular (Это вид водного спорта, который стал популярным). In underwater hockey, like in standard hockey, two teams try to move a puck into a goal.

However, underwater hockey 2) involves playing at the bottom of the swimming pool. (Однако, подводный хоккей включает/предполагает игру на дне бассейна.)

Q What equipment do you need?

A mask to help you see underwater and a snorkel to help you breathe. You also need fins, gloves and a special hat 3) which protects your head and ears. (Также понадобятся ласты, перчатки и специальная шапка, которая защищает голову и уши.) Each player has also got a short stick to move the puck.

Q Who can play?

Underwater hockey is for 4) everyone who can swim. (Подводный хоккей для всех, кто умеет плавать.) It's easy 5) to learn, but to be good, you must be strong, fast and able to hold your breath for a long time! (Этому легко научиться, но чтобы быть хорошим, нужно быть сильным, быстрым и уметь надолго задерживать дыхание!) When you're learning, 6) it's best to treat it as a fun activity. (Когда вы учитесь, лучше всего относиться к этому как к веселому занятию.)

Q Where can I find out more?

7) Сheck out our 'Find a team' page to see if there are any local clubs 8) where you can join in. (Посетите нашу страницу «Найди команду», чтобы узнать, есть ли какие-нибудь местные клубы, в которые вы можете вступить.)


Jump 1) out of / onto a space capsule and parachute 2) down / along to Earth.

(Felix Baumgartner)

Sail 3) around / off the world alone at the age of fourteen.

(Laura Dekker)

Climb 4) through / up Everest at the age of thirteen.

(Jordan Romero and Malavath Poorna)

Dive 5) out of / off a 27-metre-high cliff into a lake.

(Gary Hunt)

Kayak 6) over / around 56-metre falls – higher than Niagara. (Tyler Brandt)

Swim 7) over / under ice for seventy-six metres. (Stig Severinson)

Surf 8) - / off a thirty-metre wave.

(Garrett McNamara)

Hike 9) across / under the USA from Mexico to Canada and then hike back again. (Olive McGloin)

Cycle 10) down / out of a mountain at 222 kilometres per hour. (Eric Barone)

1) надо перевести слова и предложения, и логически легко вставить пропущенные слова.

1)  Jump out of - прыгать из /// Jump onto - вскочить в

2) parachute down - спускаться с парашюта // parachute along - непонятный перевод

3) Sail around -  плавать вокруг/ Sail off - отплыть

4) Climb through - пролезть/вылезть через (забор, окно)  /// climb up - залезть на, подниматься по

5) Dive out of - выпругнить в, выскочил из  /// Dive off - нырять с

6) Kayak over - кататься на каяке по (водопаду)  /// Kayak around - кататься на каяке вокруг (водопада) -по смыслу не подходить

7) Swim over - плыть поверх/ Swim under - плыть под

8) Surf - / off (здесь я логически выбрал)

9) Hike across - идти в поход по /// Hike under- идти в поход под -по смыслу не подходить

10) Cycle down - спускаться вниз/ Cycle out - спускаться из

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