4 год назад
Choose the correct word.1)This is my / mine jacket. Your / yours is on the chair.2)Where is our / ours cat ?3)Is this Sheila / Sheila's hat ?4) Her / Hers coat is on the fioor and my / mine is under the chair.5) I need your / yours help .6)Your / yours car is beaitiful but our /ours is simply the best.7) Where is their / theirs breakfast? 8) This is your / yours dress and that one is Lily/Lily's.9) Don't toush it .It's my / mine.10) Is this Paul / Paul's bag or your / yours ? 11) That red motorbike is our neighbour / our neighbour's ? посчитайте пожалуюста, за ранее спасио тому кто мне ответит

Nov 15, 2020
1. my, yours
2. our
3. Sheila's
4. Her, mine
5. your
6. your
7. ours
8. your, Lily's
9. mine
10. Paul's, yours
11. neighbour's