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Английский язык

Choose the correct word.1)This is my / mine jacket. Your / yours is on the chair.2)Where is our / ours cat ?3)Is this Sheila / Sheila's hat ?4) Her / Hers coat is on the fioor and my / mine is under the chair.5) I need your / yours help .6)Your / yours car is beaitiful but our /ours is simply the best.7) Where is their / theirs breakfast? 8) This is your / yours dress and that one is Lily/Lily's.9) Don't toush it .It's my / mine.10) Is this Paul / Paul's bag or your / yours ? 11) That red motorbike is our neighbour / our neighbour's ? посчитайте пожалуюста, за ранее спасио тому кто мне ответит ​


1. my, yours

2. our

3. Sheila's

4. Her, mine

5. your

6. your

7. ours

8. your, Lily's

9. mine

10. Paul's, yours

11. neighbour's

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