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посчитайте составить вопросы к выделенным словам1. I read "interesting" books "to my daughter" every day.2. My "brother" worked "at the plant" last year.3. He knows "this fact" very well.4. They will return "his" book "in two days".5. This "conference" was held "at our Institute".6. These cars are made "at one of the biggest plants".7. "He" will be paid "20 dollars" for this picture.


1. what book and for whom do you read the book every day?

2. Who worked on what in the past year?

3.what does he know very well?

4.when and whose book they will return?

5.what and where was it done?

6. where were these machines made?

7. who and how much will pay for this painting?


1:•what book do you read to your daughter every day?

•to whom do you read an interesting book every day?

2:•who worked on plans last year?

•what was your brother working on last year?

4:•whose book will they return within two days?

•when will they return his book?

5:•what was held at the institute?

•where was the conference held?

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