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Ответить на тесты26. Ann ……… and left.A said goodbye to me B said me goodbye C told me goodbye D told to me goodbye27. Thepolice officer stopped us and asked us where ………A were we going B are we going C we are going D we were going28. I must go now. I promised ……… late.A not being B not to be C to not be D I wouldn’t be29. Do you want ……… with you or do you want to go alone?A me coming B me to come C that I come D that I will come30. Are you looking forward ……… on holiday?A going B to go C to going D that you go31. When Lisa came to Britain, she had to get used ………on the left.A driving B to driving C to drive D drive32. A friend of mine phoned ……… me to a party.A for invite B to invite C for inviting D for to invite33. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going to buy ………’Aa bread B some bread C a loaf of bread D breads34. There are millions of stars in ……… .A space B a space C the space 35. When we were in Italy, we spent a few days ……… Venice.A at B to C in D on36. When did they ……… the hotel?A arrive to B arrive at C arrive in D arrive on37. I like them very much. They have always been very nice ……… me.Aof B for C to D with38. I am not very good ……… repairing things.A at B for C in D about39. We’re playing a game. Why don’t you ………?A join in B come in C get in D break in40. I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have …….. . They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A broken up B ended up C finished up D split up41. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ……… journey.A three hour B a three hours C a three-hour42. Helen works six days ……… week.A in B for C a D the43. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help ……….A laughing B to laugh C that she laughed D laugh44. The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid ………A of falling B from falling C to fall D to falling45. The weather is horrible. I wish it ………raining.A would stop B stopped C stops D will stop46. A new supermarket is going to ……… next year.A build B be built C be building D building47. ‘Where ………?’ ‘In London.’A were you born B are you born C have you been born D did you born48. The story ………be true, but I don’t think it is.A might B can C could D may49. What was the problem? Why ……… leave early?A had you go B did you have to C must you D you had to50. If I were rich, ……… a yacht.A I’ll have B I can have C I’d have D had


26 A

27  B

28  A

29  C

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