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Module 16. I... what you are saying.a) doesn't understandb) am not understandingC) amn't understandingd) don't understand7. My colleague about buying a new computer because his is broken.a) thinks b) is thinking c) are thinking d) think8. He_ so fast now I am sure he will win the race a) is runing b) is running c) runsd) runns9. Lthat he is a good man.a thinkb) thinksc) is thinking d) am thinking10. Look This dress_so much a) cost b) costesC.costsd) is costing2Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.1. He is fond of tennis. Heplaning(play) it so well.2. Listen to me What(you, think) about?3. The cake(smell) so good I want to eat it now 4. My friends(stay) at my place now.5. Ivan(live) in Moscow. He is proud of that.6.(you, understand) what I am talking about?7. Look The box(contain) a lot of interesting things,8. We(have) lunch at the moment.9. The dog(smell) its food. I think it won't eat it.10. Pete(write) a new book.3Ask questions to the words in bold.1. John usually wakes up at 7 o'clock.2. Mary is cooking dinner now.​



6. d

7. b

8. b

9. a

10. c


1. plays

2. do you think

3. smells

4. are staying

5. lives

6. Do you understand

7. contains

8. are having

9. is smelling

10. is writing


1. What time Does John usually wake up?

2. What is Mary doing now?

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