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Английский язык

TestPluralChoose the right variant:1. The … are fragile, please, wash them carefully.a) glassb) glasesc) glassesd) glassis2. She cannot live without discos and … .a) partesb) partiesc) partiessd) partys3. I don’t like fried … .a) potatoesb) potatesc) potatoeesd) potatos4. Children should not play with … .a) matchb) matchsc) matchisd) matches5. How many … of bread do you want to buy?a) loafsb) loavesc) loafesd) loavs6. I can’t get home because I’ve lost my … .a) keysb) keisc) keiesd) keyes7. Firefighters are real ... of our time.a) herosb) heroesc) heroosd) heroes8. Have you learned these spelling … ?a) rulsb) rulesc) ruliesd) rulys9. ... look like dogs, but they are wild animals and cannot be tamed.a) wolfesb) wolvesc) wolvsd) wolfs10. Their … are very kind and polite.a) childsb) childrensc) childesd) children11. A typical English scenery includes green slopes with … and a castle in the background.a) sheepb) sheepesc) sheepsd) sheepps12. His … ached so much that he had to go to the dentist immediately.a) toothsb) teethc) teethsd) toothes13. These … look familiar, I learned some of them at school.a) formulab) formulasc) formulaed) formulaes14. Please, don’t give me any … . I have already decided what to do.a) advicysb) advicesc) adviced) advics15. Our granny doesn’t see well, she always wears … .a) spectacleb) spectaclaec) spectaclid) spectacles16. I’ve earned much … this month.a) moneysb) moneisc) moniesd) money17. We bought a lot of … for our new flat.a) furnitureb) furnituraec) furnituresd) furniturs18. She bought a kilo of … to make some cocktails for the party.a) banansb) bananasc) bananad) banana19. What is the … ?a) newb) newerc) newesd) news20. We want to buy two … and ride to the beach every morning.a) bicycleb) bicyclsc) bicyclesd) bicyclae


1. c)

2. b)

3. a)

4. d)

5. b)

6. a)

7. b/d - одинаковые варианты а

8. b)

9. b)

10. d)

11. a)

12. b)

13. b)

14. c)

15. d)

16. d)

17. a)

18. b)

19. d)

20. c)

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