4 год назад
Привет нужен рассказ про Дональда Дака на английском. 10-15 предложений. 20 поинтов ДАЮ.

Nov 13, 2020
Donald Duck, Disney cartoon character. Mostly Donald has a controversial character. He often gets angry and screams, especially when he fails. It is easy to piss him off, especially his nephews or Chip and Dale succeed. But overall he is a kind and good friend. An emotional drake, whose indignant quacking is heard only by relatives.
He has a kind heart and pure thoughts. Drake is easy to infuriate, but at the first sign of danger, Donald rushes to the rescue of friends, nephews and even strangers. True, when he speaks, a quack is heard. But his nephews and Daisy understand him.
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