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Английский язык

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small - smaller - the smallest

young - younger - the youngest

thin - thinner - the thinnest

thick - thicker - the thickest

tall - taller - the tallest

fine - finer - the finest

new - newer - the newest

straight - straighter - the straightest

few - fewer - the fewest

easy - easier - the easiest

busy - busier - the busiest

dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest

famous - more famous - the most famous

beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful

serious - more serious - the most serious

comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

suitable - more suitable - the most suitable

charming - more charming - the most charming

good - better - the best

much - more - the most

bad - worse - the worst

little - less - the least

many - more - the most


1-ая колонка: modern, reasonable, many, good, high, light, dear, bad, cheap, little, important, polite

2-ая: more, dearer, worse, less, more polite, higher, more important, better, lighter, more modern, cheaper

3-ья: best, most important, cheapest, most modern, highest, dearest, worst, most polite, most reasonable, most, least, lightest


1. colder

2. younger

3. deeper

4. taller

5. more/less

6. more/less

7. more/less

8. more/less


1 - d

2 - f

3 - e

4 - a

5 - c

6 - b


1. если завтра погода будет плохой, я не поеду в деревню.

2. если на выходных выпадет снег, мы построим снеговика.

3. если в субботу пойдет дождь, они не пойдут в кино.

4. если погода будет хорошей, Катя поиграет в парке.

5. дети поплавают в реке, если завтра будет солнечно.

6. если река замёрзнет, люди будут кататься на коньках.

7. если будет солнечно и пойдет снег, дети будут играть в снежки.


1. if it's rainy, I will stay at home.

2. they will go to the beach if it's very hot.

3. if it's cold and snowy I shall watch TV at home.

4. if there is fog tomorrow I shall stay at home.

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